Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tool 6: Digital Discussions

Online discussion tools like PollEverywhere will DEFINITELY be used in my classroom! I give my students a warm-up question everyday to get them thinking about science and to give them an opportunity to engage in academic conversation. By allowing them to use technology (and have their cell phones out in class) this is something that well embed itself into their knowledge base. Here is an example of one that I created:  

WallWisher is one tool that I experimented with just a little this year. After really exploring it today, I feel more confident about using it in class. With more student devices available, I can create a wall for each new topic and as kids have questions (and don't want to ask in front of everyone), they can add a sticky. I would also encourage other students to answer.

1 comment:

  1. What a great discussion tool. This is a great way to maybe draw out the shyer kids.
