Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tool 11: Reflections

I am really amazed by the number of digital tools available for my students to use in my classroom. I spent so many hours exploring them that I'm a little overwhelmed right now. However, there are a couple of tools that I definitely want to try with my 8th graders this year. My two favorite areas are the Web 2.0 tools and the tools that promote discussion and collaboration. In an earlier blog post I mentioned a way to use the word cloud that I am definitely planning to use this year. I want my students to answer questions about themselves, then create a personal word cloud from their answers. This can then be used in teambuilding activities. Two other tools that I can see in my classroom right away and very often are WallWisher and Poll Everywhere. I have dabbled in both of them, but am now ready for full-fledged implementation.

Although I have always loved the idea of giving students choices in crafting their learning plan, I have generally remained bound to curriculum standards as presented (mostly my choice). I now realize that I can still provide structure while at the same time offering flexibility. Giving students options on HOW to demonstrate their learning will motivate them by allowing them to play to their strengths. I envision students with technology in their hands every day, communicating, collaborating, creating and most of all, learning.

In concluding my investigation of the 11 Tools, I realize that my tiny little classroom is so very small in the grand scheme of my students' learning. They need to go global in order to connect with other learners as well as professionals so that their experience is real-world and meaningful.


  1. Congrats on completing 11 Tools.

    On the word cloud, I was just talking to Ms. Cureton about having the students create one about themselves during the first week of School.

  2. When you're in design mode, click on layout (on the left). Then somewhere on your blog layout, click on "add a gadget" and scroll down 'til you see "my blog list." Then, you can add the blogs you want to follow. I did it using the urls from the pages I wanted to follow.

  3. What a powerful statement "I realize that my tiny little classroom is so very small in the grand scheme of my students' learning. They need to go that their experience is real world and meaningful." I think the great thing about your "tiny little classroom" is that for many of your students it holds the key for broadening their perspective! So many of them come to you with very small worlds of their own! Glad you enjoyed your journey! Looking forward to learning from you and your students this year!

  4. My son likes your Voki- said she's like Jessie from Toy Story. I hope we can do some interdisciplinary projects this year!
