Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tool 5: Web 2.0

Wordle: Science StuffWeb-based productivity is something that I always look forward to using with my students. I spent hours investigating word cloud generators and can see many, many uses for them in the classroom. One idea that I am thinking of using in the coming school year is to have students generate a word cloud that represents them as learners. I would have them answer some questions, then turn the answers into a word cloud.

Another tool that is very versatile for the classroom is Big Huge Labs. I have had students create magazine covers and movie posters using information researched on various topics. Many of the options on this site can actually hold a great deal of information, especially if students think a little outside the box!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea about having the student create a magazine cover. Great use of word cloud generators.
